Pioneer and Beyond Ltd

careers-icon 0 opportunities

location-icon United Kingdom

users-icon Less than 100 employees

Company Overview


Pioneer and Beyond is a global recruitment company that believes futures are created by being VISIONARY, creating and developing career paths that raise potential candidates to their zenith. In the past two years we have pioneered the idea of going to teach in China to over 60 Universities and we have made our presence known in Graduate fairs across the country. We have embraced a new generation of undergraduates that have been open to the idea of exploring a new world. Ultimately we see ourselves as positive catalyst agents who create the new stream of “globalists and socialites” that Universities are now producing and transporting them to the east to the greatest economy on the globe today -CHINA.

Our ambition is to become world leaders in English teaching specialist recruiters to the east and in doing so, providing the best that the world can produce in teachers to China.

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